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Free your inner light

and make magic with

our community of brave

open-hearted women.

Free your inner light and make magic with our community of brave open-hearted women.

You feel called to create a beautiful, magical, soul-inspired life and unleash love in the world. But you're stuck in painful fear-based patterns that are keeping you feeling small and powerless.

You need a clear and direct path to unleashing the power of your inner light, wise loving support, and a community of brave open-hearted women to inspire you. Your time is now.

You need a clear and direct path to unleashing the power of your inner light, wise loving support, and a community of brave open-hearted women to inspire you. Your time is now.

Spiritual Coach Vanessa Areli with hands over heart in loving greeting

To connect to love, do you feel like you have to continually prove your worth, fix yourself, deny your feelings, dim your light,

To connect to love, do you feel like you have to continually prove your worth, fix yourself, deny your feelings, dim your light, or rescue others?

or rescue others?

woman with sad eyes and tears

What if instead of working so hard to build a life that looks good on the outside, but that makes you feel...

unhappy woman holds up pocket mirror and looks at herself















You put all that energy into creating a life that makes you feel undeniably...

Spiritually awakened woman stretches both arms backward in joy and gratitude while looking up at the clear blue sky with closed eyes















Imagine what your life would look like if you had the support of a wise loving coach and a community of brave open-hearted women to inspire and empower you.

Experience Inner Love, Wholeness, & Connection

Imagine feeling completely comfortable in your own skin and fully at home with yourself anywhere, knowing you are one with the deeply loving, nuturing, supportive presence you've been craving and searching for your whole life.

Create Loving &

Balanced Relationships

Imagine creating deeply soul satisfying relationships with only those who truly match your energy, leaving any relationships that make you feel confused, lonely, or disempowered in any way to naturally transform or dissolve.

Woman in touch with her inner child runs playfully in an open field

Unleash Your Wild & Playful Spirit

Unleash Your Wild &

Playful Spirit

Imagine how wildly happy you would feel if you reconnected with the eternally young part of your soul that loves to laugh, play, and delight in life, instead of feeling continually weighed down by burdens that are not yours to carry.

empowered woman holds her hand out to establish firm boundary

Powerfully Own &

Speak Your Truths

Imagine how freeing and empowering it would feel if you could confidently own and speak your truths to others, saying yes to what truly resonates with you and no to everything else, no longer being ruled by guilt, toxic shame, fear, or manipulation.

woman wearing crystal necklace gets in touch with her intuition by placing both hands over her chest

Trust Your Soul Path

& Inner Guidance

Imagine feeling so confident in your inner guidance, fully trusting yourself to make wise loving decisions and to reach the next part of your journey in divine time, rather than always second guessing yourself or trying to control the flow of life.

Renew Your Sense of Soul Purpose & Aliveness

Imagine how vibrantly alive, energized, and passionate you would feel if you knew you were living your life in full alignment with your soul purpose, instead of carrying around the gnawing sense each day that you're here for so much more.

Discover, Celebrate, and Share Your Soul Gifts

Imagine how delighted you would feel if you could unearth and own all of your soul gifts, sharing them freely with others, rather than hiding the beauty you wish to express due to a lack confidence in who you really are and what you have to offer.

Stay Open To Joy

Even In Difficult Times

Imagine how grateful and joyfully expansive your heart would feel if you could stay connected to inner peace, beauty, and magic in challenging times, knowing that nothing you encounter could ever destroy your powerful inner light.

Delight In Your Beautiful, Magical, Soul-Inspired Life

Imagine creating a life so beautifully authentic and soul- aligned that your very presence emanates a joyful inner radiance that inspires and uplifts others and you feel so deeply grateful that all you want to do is share your magic with the world.

All of this and more is possible when you unleash the power of your inner light...

Woman claims the power of her inner light while connecting to the radiance of the sun in spiritual practice

Meet Your Spiritual Coach

Hello Beautiful Soul! I'm Vanessa Areli and I'm so happy you're here right now. Before I answered the call to become a spiritual coach (aka modern-day fairy godmother), my story was in many ways just like yours.

I hid my beautiful inner light for years.

I knew that I was here to embody joy and love in the world. But in a desperate attempt to feel safe and loved, I stopped believing in myself and became the overachieving, caretaking, good girl version of myself I thought I needed to be to survive.

After graduating from a top law school and securing a coveted legal job, I got the fairy-tale wedding most women dream about and moved to a big farmhouse in a strikingly rich, beautiful, countryside setting. By society’s standards, I had made it in life.

And yet a big part of me felt deeply unhappy, disconnected from life, and saddled with grief. I was continually wrestling with fear and overwhelm, because I knew that the picture perfect life I had worked so hard to create was ultimately unsustainable. It was built on shaky illusions that could come crashing down at any moment.

Spiritual Life Coach Vanessa Areli Shows Radiant Smile
lonely woman on a spiritual journey walks the path alone

I felt totally alone on my journey.

To make matters worse, it felt like no one around me was willing to see or recognize my pain. So, believing I needed to fix myself, I spent years exploring spirituality, mindfulness, and self-help resources.

Although some of what I found was helpful, a lot of it was overly general, confusing, and out of touch with my open-hearted way of seeing the world. Without a clear path to follow or a supportive community to lean on, I felt totally lost at times.

As hard it was, I never gave up. Because even though I had no clue how to reconnect to my wildly exuberant self, I continued to feel this unshakeable calling to share my light with the world...

Magic, Baby!

And then one day, I felt intuitively guided to connect with the divine mother energy within me and everything changed. I reexperienced my oneness with the deeply loving, nuturing, supportive presence I had desperately craved and searched for my entire life.

From this new awakening, I suddenly felt reconnected to the infinite beauty, love, and magic all around me. It was as if the sky, the flowers, the sun, and the trees were all smiling at me. I had come home to myself.

My inner light became so visible that people couldn't stop telling me I was positively glowing. I also began attracting the exact teachers, books, and experiences I needed to move forward on my path.

With a newfound sense of courage, I started owning my truth again and pursuing the things that delighted my soul. This sparked a creative inner explosion that led me to get in touch with surprising new gifts.

woman in open field has a mystical experience of divine love and oneness
Woman writes in journal reflecting on spiritual lessons

Uncovering The 3 Soul Shifts

I wish I could tell you that it was all downhill after my reawakening. But the truth is I still had to do the challenging work of disentangling myself from the toxic lies and fear-based patterns that had kept me captive most of my life.

Thankfully, I didn't have to do this part all by myself. The Universe brought my divine counterpart into my life to fully love and support me in my inner alignment and soul mission work.

And over the last decade, I've been guided to spiritually reflect on all the painful detours and pitfalls I encountered on my soul path. I eventually distilled everything I learned from those experiences into a simple, but powerful spiritual teaching called The 3 Soul Shifts.

I came here to show you the way.

Through that process, I came to realize that there was a reason why I couldn’t find a path that directly spoke to my soul and clearly addressed the root of my pain for so many years. It's because I was sent here to blaze a new path for myself and other brave open-hearted soul leaders in the making.

Listen, if you're here right now, I know you're in pain. I know you feel the urgency. I know you feel the call. And I know there is infinite light and magic within you waiting to be unleashed.

That's why I've spent years carefully building a program that provides you with the clearest and most direct path to freeing your inner light.

Free Your Light, Make Magic is a powerful spiritual group coaching program and supportive loving community for brave open-hearted women of all ages and backgrounds.

Group of brave women boldly claim their power and freedom while holding their hands up toward the open sky and looking at the ocean

The Free Your Light Difference

vibrantly alive woman looks with excitement at computer screen


We teach you all the essential soul lessons and skills you need to master to create your beautiful, magical, soul-inspired life. Learn to hold loving space for yourself, work through emotional pain and fear, disentagle yourself from disempowering relationships, nurture your inner light, access divine guidance and support, and stay connected to joy.

With a clear step-by-step path that aligns with your heart's innate wisdom, you won't have to struggle anymore to put all the pieces together. You’ll know exactly what actions to take each day to free your inner light.

woman places both hands over heart in meditation


Soulwork is where the magic happens. It's what allows you to go from mentally knowing a soul truth to actually experiencing and embodying it for yourself. And don't worry, you won't find any boring questions or sleepy meditation practices here.

Our daily soulwork practices are designed to engage your intuitive and creative side, so you can step out of your head and into your heart. Get ready to write, journal, draw, compose, laugh, sing, dance, cry, reflect, visualize, meet your spirit guides, and go on sacred magical inner journeys.

woman holds cell phone in preparation for spiritual coaching call


Having a wise loving coach you can turn to every week to keep you focused, motivated, and empowered on your journey is key. Without ongoing encouragement and skilled support, it's easy to get stuck, discouraged, or distracted on your path.

The beauty of group coaching sessions is that you get the opportunity to learn from the breakthroughs and challenges of other people in the group, not just your own. This makes the nature of the toxic lies and fear-based patterns you're wrestling with even more apparent to you. And it takes away the pressure of having to be in the spotlight each week.

three woman joyfully hold hands in sisterhood


Freeing your inner light and unleashing your inner magic in the world will be a journey like no other. But let's be real, most people won't understand the process you're going through. That's why our program includes monthly virtual breakout sessions with a small circle of brave open-hearted women who share your soul values and are on the same path as you.

This is a space for you to connect with your community, share you current challenges, celebrate your recent successes, set new goals, feel inspired, and hold loving space for others while experiencing the gift of feeling deeply seen and supported.

How This Magic Works

The 3 Soul Shifts

members of soul group place their hands over circle of flower petals

This is Perfect For You If You Are:

  • Certain that freeing your inner light and fulfilling your soul purpose is your key priority in life.
  • Intent on feeling deeply loved and supported regardless of who shows up to see you.

  • Sick of having to hide yourself, fix yourself, prove yourself, deny your feelings, dim your light, and rescue others to feel loved.
  • Fed up with letting fear and guilt stop you from owning, speaking, and living your truth.
  • Eager to regain your joy of life and unleash your wild and playful spirit.
  • Ready to kick the constant stress and overwhelm that comes from living out of alignment with your soul.
  • Tired of doubting your innate goodness and second-guessing your inner guidance intuition.
  • Keen on turning your sensitivity and open-heartedness into your superpower.
  • Excited to welcome an abundance of loving joyful experiences into your life.
  • Serious about confronting your fears, examining your beliefs and patterns, and investing in your soul dreams.
  • Committed to facing inconvenient truths, owning your power, and making meaningful life changes.
  • Done with combing through endless self-help advice.
  • Hungry for a clear and direct path to birthing your joyful, radiant, powerful self with step-by-step wise loving support.

  • Yearning to be part of a community of inspiring brave open-hearted women.

This is NOT for you if you are:

sad and lonely woman living an inauthentic life forces a smile and pretends to be happy
  • Unwilling to take time each day to be in your heart space and hold space for your feelings.
  • Unwilling to look at the true dynamics of certain relationships, situations, and behaviors in your life.
  • Unwilling to make any changes in your life that might upset the status quo or disappoint others.
  • More focused on wanting other people to change rather than on doing what you can to personally create your beautiful, magical, soul-inspired life.
  • Looking for a quick fix or shortcut that will allow you to bypass your pain, fears, and challenges.
  • Involved in an unsafe relationship or life-threatening situation.
  • Mentally unstable or wrestling with a major addiction.

"You'll never really know what precious soul gifts you have to offer yourself and the world until you free your inner light."

A New Life For Julie

My friend's beautiful story is here to inspire you. It took place prior to my creating this group coaching program. Your results will always be unique to you.

Everything You Need

  • Our Complete Step-By-Step Program

Our spiritual coaching program gives you a clear and direct path to unleashing your inner light. It includes step-by-step guidance and eight weeks of on-demand soul lessons covering all the essential soul truths and skills you need to master to create your beautiful, magical, soul-inspired life.

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Stay focused, motivated, and empowered on your soul journey with weekly group coaching sessions that offer you wise loving support and enable you to learn and grow from the questions, insights, and experiences of other members in the group.

  • Daily Creative Soul Work Practices

Get out of your head and into your heart with daily soulwork practices that are designed to engage your intuitive and creative side, so you can deeply connect to your soul and experience the mini shifts that will lead to the major soul shifts in your life.

  • Our Monthly Women's Circle

Stay connected to a circle of inspiring brave open-hearted women through our monthly virtual breakout sessions. Feel uplifted and supported by a loving soul-inspired community that deeply sees and gets you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the program?

The initial program lasts 8 weeks and you then have the option of receiving ongoing support through our weekly group coaching calls and monthly community circles on a monthly membership basis.

What if I have to miss a coaching call?

The calls will be recorded and you will have the chance to submit questions each week.

What if I change my mind about doing the program?

Freeing your inner light is a big commitment and it's important you know you're in the right place. If you join the program and decide for any reason that it's not for you, email us within the first week to let us know and we'll give you a full refund.

What are the benefits of doing this kind of work in a group setting?

The beauty of spiritual group coaching sessions is that you get the opportunity to learn from the experiences, breakthroughs, and challenges of other people in the group, not just your own. This makes the nature of the toxic lies and fear-based patterns you're wrestling with even more apparent to you. And it alleviates the intensity and pressure of having to be in the spotlight each week.

When will I start seeing changes in my life?

Our program is designed to be hands-on and real-world oriented from the start. You won't be spending eight weeks in silence meditating about the meaning of life in some dark remote cave. During the first three weeks of the program, the focus will be on transforming how you relate to yourself. So, the changes you experience during that time will be largely internal. During the fourth week, you'll start taking small steps each day to realign the key areas of your life as you feel ready.

What if I'm scared to free my inner light?

Feeling scared does not mean there is a problem or that you're not ready to free your inner light. It just means you're scared. We've all been there. Scared of change. Scared of the unknown. Scared of the identities and relationships we fear we will have to let go off. Scared of becoming the brave soul-inspired leader we're called to be in this world.

Answering the call or your soul is the bravest thing you can do, so it's naturally going to bring up a lot of fear. If there was no fear, there'd be no need to be brave. That's why our program is designed to help you successfully navigate fear and other forms of spiritual resistance right from the start of your journey.

How much time will I need to invest?

To complete the initial eight week program, we recommend you set aside about an hour each day. That being said, we do offer a monthly membership option at a very reasonable fee after the initial 8 weeks, so you can move at a slower pace if that works best for you.

Is your spiritual coaching program like therapy?

No, as a spiritual coach, I never diagnose or treat mental health disorders. The individuals I work with are both mentally stable and highly functional from society's point of view. And yet they feel that something deeply essential is missing from their lives.

As a spiritual coach, my focus is on helping you wake up to your sacred inner wholeness, so you can reclaim your soul power and shift out of the painful fear-based patterns that are keeping you feeling small and powerless in your life.

And unlike conventional therapy, we don't dwell on your past. Our spiritual group coaching program includes targeted weekly soul lessons and powerful daily soulwork exercises to help you feel whole, connected, and empowered as quickly as possible.

Is your coaching program based on a particular spiritual teaching?

Yes, the program is based on a powerful and direct path to wise, empowered, soul-inspired living called The 3 Soul Shifts.

I developed these spiritual teachings over the last decade while communing with Source and intentionally reflecting on the pitfalls and detours I encountered during own my personal struggle to free my inner light.

I came to realize that the reason why I couldn’t find a path that directly spoke to my soul and clearly addressed the root of my pain, is because I was sent here to blaze a new path for myself and other brave open-hearted soul leaders in the making.

My teachings transcend the boundaries of any particular religion or belief system, and are grounded in the universal Truth that we are all sacred divine beings of Love and are One with and deeply interconnected with all that is.

What are some spiritual terms you use to describe the Divine?

God, Spirit, Source, Divine Mother, Divine Father, Loving Will of the Universe, All That Is, Sacred Mother, Sacred Father.

What are some key gifts you bring as a spiritual coach?

As a spiritual coach, I am blessed with a unique blend of gifts to help support beautiful souls on their life journey. My authentic, open-hearted, loving energy makes others feel deeply seen, safe, and welcomed, so even the most quiet or sensitive souls open up in my presence. My boundless joy, curiosity, and enthusiam are a source of inspiration, while my healing energy provides a sense of peace and comfort.

I am also highly intuitive and a gifted communicator, so I can quickly get to the truth of an issue, offer clear and direct insights, and tailor my spiritual coaching to what my clients need. And I am adept at spotting and navigating common defense mechanisms that come up during spiritual coaching.

Having walked the path I teach, my clients also appreciate that I offer real-world wisdom and a practical approach to spiritual coaching that transcends modalities. And that I weave creativity into everything I do, which allows my clients to more deeply engage with my spiritual teachings and spiritual practices.

When can I get started?

We'd love to have you join us. Please make sure to join our waitlist below so we can notify you as soon as admission opens for the later half of 2024.

"Together we can create a world that reflects the beauty, magic, and sacredness of who and what we truly are. Will you join us?"

hummingbird logo for spiritual life coach Vanessa Areli

Excited to learn more?

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Admission to Free Your Light, Make Magic will be on a first come basis. Join now to receive important emails and updates about our program and be first in line to know when we open.

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